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Asset Management
Asset Tagging ... Go beyond the capture.
We, Law Abiding Technology, puts your facility in your pocket, giving you Virtual Carbon Copy of your facility, with machinery/ assets details, unparalleled organization and effective decision-making power – Anytime, Anywhere.
Our solution is an excellent tool for documenting manufacturing systems. When utilizing this technology, an entire production/ Building facility can be transformed into a computer generated (CG) set within a very short duration of time.
Our solution will help you find, fix, & maintain your assets more efficiently and effectively eliminating this challenge enterprise-wide.
- Increase plant reliability
- Eliminate operational mistakes
- Eliminate delays for Managed Operational Change (MOC) - (i.e. Executive Approvals)
- Asset Tracking
- Annotate, Tag, Manage and Share
- Save time & Optimize Efficiency
- Compile 360º Photo, BIM, CAD & Drone Data
Need for Virtual Plant Layout:
- 3D & Virtual documentation of whole Plant Area.
- Provides complete Fixed Asset Management and tagging with unique asset ID (UAID) to conduct cost effective physical audits.
- Maintenance Planning & implementing design changes in the plant.
- Effective Fire & Safety Emergency evacuation plan.
- Help you maintain a database of purchases and restorations dates
- Helps you maintain your accounts with one click, solution to asset calculations